Scientists Point To Average Temperatures As Proof Of Global Warming

A recent blast of average temperatures have scientists brushing off their global warming theories. Twelve cities across the midwest have recorded average temperatures at least seven of the last ten days, causing many climatologists to take note.


“I used to be a skeptic when it came go all the global warming hubbub,” Says John Wilson, PhD., a climatologist with the central Thompson County, Illinois weather service. “But looking at all of these average temperatures has made me a believer. It’s really happening.”

Most people wouldn’t be alarmed by average temperatures. And that’s the problem, says Wilson.

“Temperatures just shouldn’t be average,” He explains. “They should be above or below the average, which is what makes the average temperature the average. When you have actual temperatures reading the same as the average, whoa. Look out.”

“We haven’t had this many average temperatures since record-keeping started,” Says Tom Slinder, an amateur weather buff. “I’m doing some calculations but the odds of having average temperatures on any given day is phenomenally small.”

More research is underway, but many scientists agree, something is going on.

Staff Reporter — BS