George Bush

No Bailout For Corporate Gambling Debts

I wanted to share this letter that I sent to my two U.S. Senators and Representative in Washington today. ************************************************************************************************ RE: Financial Bailout Plan Opposition I know your time is valuable, but I must speak…

Domestic Oil Doesn’t Mean Cheap Oil

People seem to think that when the President says we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, that he’s saying domestic oil will be cheaper. That’s not necessarily the case. And, in my opinion,…

Clothing-Optional White House?

Some of President Bush’s closest advisors joined him for a trip to the beach to relax and celebrate the first day of summer. They were surprised by a photographer as they left the beach….

Bush Proposes Deal With France

Borrowing from the much-troubled “Food For Oil” deal, President Bush announced a proposed deal with France that he believes will help restore the close bonds that the U.S. and France once had. “I have sent…