I just finished installing Movable Type 4!

I decided to replace the system-generated first entry with one of my own.

Yes, I have upgraded to Movable Type 4 (from MT 2.3).  At this time, all of my old entries are stored safely away.  I will be bringing them into the new format/software as time allows.  But, I wanted to get up and running with the new version for several reasons:

  1. My host changed their platform and I could no longer log into the old site.  That made it very difficult to post new entries. 🙂
  2. With so many stupid/crazy/weird things happening on the campaign trail, I just had to have a place to complain and point out how dumb other people are.

So, here it is.  The re-designed Braindrips.  I will likely work on tweaking the layout and style going forward, but this canned layout will do for now.

As before, sit back and enjoy my wit and powers of observation.
