
Is Democracy Always A Good Thing?

I’ve had this question rolling around in my head for the last few years: Is democracy always a good thing? After seeing the headlines that the Palestinians have voted Hamas in as the majority leadership…

New Orleans — Who’s To Blame?

While finger-pointing from New Orleans toward the Feds has grown exponentially over the last few days, many have been reluctant to place any blame where it should lie — on Governor Blanco and squarely on…

Nude Swimming Sparks Debates In China

From the super conservative to the ultra free, the view of the human body is as diverse as anything. However, each culture seems to have its own range of acceptable views. Take, for instance, China;…

Get Out Of The Left Lane, Idiot!

Are you like me? Do you drive in the left lane to actually pass people? Or are you one of those people that drive in the left-hand lane because they like being there? It ticks…

Be Considerate In Check-Out Lines

It irks me to no end when someone gets in the check-out line in a store and then is confused when the cashier asks for payment. Some people don’t realize that they’ll have to do…

Going To Space Will Never Be 100% Safe

The Space Shuttle Discovery rolled out of the Vehicle Assembly Building Wednesday afternoon and arrived at the launch pad just after Midnight. It will sit in place until launch sometime after May 15. It underwent…

Death Penalty Overturned Because Of Bible

Okay. For those of you that think I’m a left-wing nut, here’s one to chew on. The Colorado Supreme Court overturned a death sentence on Monday and replaced it with a sentence of life without…

Let Terri Go

There are at least two sides to the Terri Schiavo case: 1) She should be given every opportunity to recover, including living out a life-span of 30-40 more years connected to medical devices; and 2)…

Nudism : What It Means To Me

Like in the marijuana post, I didn’t plan to jump right into a subject that might scare people away. However, I keep coming back to this subject as I try to think of things to…